Today is the last day of 9 days off work. boo. It was a productive week. I was a little sidetracked by Logan's cat getting injured. The Vet thinks he must've caught his paw in a chain link fence. He tore a tendon in his leg allowing the ankle joint to dislocate and also fractured a bone. Poor thing. My mom was so worried about him, it broke my heart. So I spent a large chunk of my time helping out with administering meds. transporting to the vet and comforting my mom. Aside from that, I worked on some projects around the house. It was 1 year ago that my grandfather passed away. And it was 1 year ago that I aquired Maggie. This also means that it was 1 year ago that I started the remodel on this house and started moving in. The biggest task hanging over my head was getting the wood moulding finished. I couldn't decide what to use around the windows, so it sat unfinished all this time. Well....it's finished!! Wahoo!!!
Don't forget helping a dude kick his effexor habit.
not only is it finished - it looks great!
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